Local schools receive state funds

Monday, November 9, the State Finance Council provided “extraordinary needs” funding of $4,242,794 for 27 Kansas school districts. Funding was related to increased enrollment, refugee resettlement and reduced oil and gas valuations for Kansas schools. Hugoton’s USD 210 received 77 percent of their requested $563,606, while Moscow’s USD 209 received 90 percent of their requested $131,351. Both Stevens County districts requested extraordinary need funds from the state due to the county’s decreased valuation. Since 2013, Stevens County’s valuation has gone down approximately 25 percent. A higher mill levy has made up some of the difference, but the districts recognized the need for more money. Local schools have been cutting their budgets, but the funds from the state are still desperately needed. Until natural gas prices go back up, the county schools will continue to require state funding. USD 210 Superintendent Adrian Howie reported the money from the state will go toward next year’s budget and should help offset this year’s mill levy increase. Read More →

Several area events are planned for this weekend

Schedules are busy this time of year with Thanksgiving right around the corner. While you’re busy planning what will be served this Turkey Day, keep in mind the activities happening this weekend in Hugoton. Pheasant Heaven’s annual Calf Fry, Beef Feed and Pig Roast will be at Great Plains Gas Compression located at 210 East First Street Friday, November 13 at 4:00 p.m. Please note the starting time has been moved up an hour to accomodate for the Eagle football game at 6:00 p.m. The varsity Eagles will battled the Andale Indians starting at 6:00 p.m. in conference play. Read More →

Donice Medina named 2015 Woman of the Year

This is the first year that it was not a surprise when the sorority Beta Sigma Phi picked the Woman of the Year. Donice Medina was selected 2015 Woman of the Year. However, she stated she did not plan to attend this event, so she had to be informed she was the recipient of the award. Read More →

The Hugoton High School Cross Country teams traveled to Hays High Saturday to participate in the Regional qualifying meet. The top three teams and the top ten individual runners automatically qualified to the State meet that will be next weekend in Wamego. Saturday both the boys and girls teams from Hugoton came away with the Regional championships. “This was the third time this has happened since I have been coach and the first since 2003. Regional championships do not come easily. Heading into the meet we thought that the boys were the team to beat so we expected to win the Region. The girls was unexpected. We thought Clay Center was the team to beat. They have been running well all year and placed well back at the Wamego Invitational,” said Coach Nick Rodriguez.  Read More →

Schedule for local Halloween activities updated

Believe it or not, Halloween is right around the corner! Several activities have been planned for Hugoton’s kids to enjoy.

First up is the HES Halloween Carnival Saturday, October 24 from 6:00 to 8:00 p.m. in the HES Gym. Proceeds will benefit Relay for Life. Find out more on page 5 of this week’s Hermes.

Next Friday, October 30, Main Street businesses will be handing out candy to kids during the annual Spook Parade Friday, October 30 from 4:30 to 5:30 p.m. Make sure to stop by the Library and Pioneer Manor after you make your way down Main Street!

Saturday, October 31 will be the UMC Trunk or Treat event from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the parking lot, and Assembly of God will also host their Trunk or Treat at the Turnaround from 6:00 to 8:30 p.m. Saturday. Saturday is also the day to Trick or Treat around town!

Have a very happy and SAFE Halloween!

Even though Corey Mirabal had only lived in Hugoton since 2006, he had made many, many friends. Better known as “Pepsi Man”, he later worked for John Deere, 7-Up and Sara Lee. Corey was always helping everyone, and he didn’t know a stranger! Because of that, after he passed in 2008, the Mirabal family decided to begin a Scholarship Fund in his memory so everyone could remember Corey and his big heart. Read More →

Kayleigh Flores wins statewide poster contest

Winners of two Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day statewide contests have been announced as part of the national safety campaign Put the Brakes on Fatalities Day. For the poster contest – Kendall Rogers of Cunningham, Kayleigh Flores of Moscow and Reagan de Koning of Axtell are the statewide winners. Each student was first selected as a regional winner and received a bicycle and a helmet donated by Safe Kids Kansas at presentations at their schools.

Kayleigh Flores is a student at Heritage Christian Academy in Hugoton in the eight to ten year old division. She was awarded her prize of a shiny new bicycle and bike helmet at HCA Friday, October 9. Read More →

Weekend promises to be eventful

This weekend is shaping up to be a very eventful one!

Thursday evening, October 8, head over to the Stevens County Fairgrounds for the annual HHS Homecoming Bonfire at 8:30 p.m. Carry on with Homecoming activities Friday afternoon at 2:45 p.m. with the parade and pep rally on Main Street. After you’re full of school spirit, get over to the football field parking lot, where the Stevens County Sheriff’s Department will be hosting a tailgate party with hot dogs, hamburgers, chips and water. Then you can walk right through the gate for free, as Citizens State Bank has bought out the game! The 2015 Fall Homecoming Queen will be crowned at 6:00 p.m., followed by the game against Southwestern Heights at 7:00 p.m. Read More →

The Brothers of Hugoton Lodge #406 will be very busy this Saturday, October 3. The Lodge is sponsoring the kU Cancer Screening doctors and nurses will give during the Stevens County Health Fair at the Hugoton Middle School from 8:00 to 11:00 a.m. The Grand Master of Kansas Masons Daren Kellerman, with some of his Grand Lodge officers, will be in attendance. Read More →

Commissioners meet in regular session

The Stevens County  Commissioners met in regular session Monday  with all members, Pat Hall, Dave Bozone and Joe D. Thompson, present. Also present were County Clerk Pam Bensel, County Counselor Paul Kitzke and RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes.

The following is just an agenda for the morning with a few of the unofficial highlights. Read More →