Saturday, June 10, 2023, the Dust Bowl Riders will host the Brian Lamberson Memorial Motorcycle Run at Bullwackerz Saloon at 109 E. Sixth Street in Hugoton. This will be their twenty-seventh annual rally.

The riders will begin to gather at noon Saturday to register for the run. The motorcycle parade starts from Bullwackerz Saloon in Hugoton beginning at 2:00 p.m. and the bikes will parade down Main Street. There will be a freewill lunch provided. Pork is provided by Seaboard Foods.

The winning poker hand wins $1,000, second place is $500 and third place is $250. There will be a 50/50 pot, door prizes, live auction and music with DJ CLA Hammer all day. All money raised at this rally will go toward scholarships and charities.

The club members are looking forward to seeing old friends and meeting new ones. They want to ‘party down’ with DJ – CLA Hammer and enjoy another year! All bikes are welcome.