Carrie Baeza deemed Certified Municipal Clerk

Carrie L. Baeza, CMC of City of Hugoton, has earned the designation of Certified Municipal Clerk (CMC), which is awarded by the International Institute of Municipal Clerks (IIMC), Inc.

IIMC grants the CMC designation only to those municipal clerks who complete demanding education requirements; and who have a record of significant contributions to their local government, their community and state.

The International Institute of Municipal Clerks, founded in 1947, has 14,000 members throughout the United States, Canada and 15 other countries, and the mission of this global non-profit corporation is to enhance the education opportunities and professional development of its diverse membership.

In light of the speed and drastic nature of change these days, lifelong learning is not only desirable, it is necessary for all in local government to keep pace with growing demands and changing needs of the citizens we serve. Hugoton can take immense pride in Carrie’s educational accomplishments and achievement of this milestone.

“On behalf of the IIMC Board of Directors, I am honored to endorse the conferring of CMC to Carrie L. Baeza, CMC of City of Hugoton. We share your pride in this achievement and we applaud your support of the role Carrie plays in your city.” said Stephanie Carouthers Kelly, MMC, IIMC President.


Stetson Honig, Charlotte Veatch and Judy Persinger award Guadalupe Mendez with her winnings for being drawn as the grand prize winner in the 2020 – Twenty-first Annual Sweetheart Sweepstakes. She had her pick of jewelry in The Little Gift Shop in the Corner of Stevens County Hospital and received a $50 gift certificate from Hugoton Chamber.

The 2020 Sweetheart Couple drawn in the Twenty – first Annual Sweetheart Sweepstakes is Guadalupe and Jacinto Mendez. They are the proud parents of two children, Ivan and Juan. The couple won at The Little Gift Shop at the Stevens County Hospital, winning their choice of jewelry from the gift shop. They will also share $50 in Chamber Bucks thanks to their names being drawn at The Hermes for the grand prize.

At Daylight Donuts a $20 gift certificate was awarded to three lucky couples, TJ and Lisa Steers, Aurora Juan and the third to Adrianay Carlos. Winners of the Jet Drive In’s “two free dinners” were Lonnie and Cleta Norris. China awarded their $30 gift certificate to their Sweetheart Couple, Jim and Shirley Mothes. Ken and Teresa Snyder will enjoy a delicious meal at Acosta’s & Neito’s thanks to the $25 gift certificate they won. Los Agaves Bar and Grill awarded Suheila R. Rosas a $25 gift certificate so she and a friend can enjoy a delicious dinner .

Kurt and Maria Slocum will be able to find plenty of beautiful options to spend their $25 gift certificate on at Creative Specialties. Daniel and Adriana Alfaro will pick from a large variety of wearing apparel using their $25 gift certificate from Main Revelation, LLC.

Citizens State Bank drew the names of Jeff and Diane Crawford for their $20 Gas Capital Dollars prize. Rick and Cathy Wolters are the lucky winners of a $25 Visa gift card from Equity Bank. Loren and Lillian Seaman will be able to easily spend their $25 gift certificate at Yardmaster, and Joel and Karen McClure should have no trouble using their $50 gift certificate at Bultman Tire Center.

Ted and Brenda Frederick were blessed to win a $25 gift certificate from Hugoton Drug. Slim Pickins announced their Sweetheart winners of their $25 gift certificate to be Francisco Rincon and Carmen Iurnadez. Janet’s Bridal and Boutique named Dee Longoria as their Sweepstakes winner of the $25 gift certificate.

Steve and Carla Showers are the lucky winners of a $25 gift card from Flatlanders. Gary and Kay Kost will be able to enjoy a night out with their $25 gift certificate from Stumpy’s. Dulcelandia announced Antonio and Cruzita Rodriquez as their winner of a $25 gift certificate. Congratulations to all the lucky Sweethearts drawn in this year’s Sweetheart Sweepstakes!

This week is Hugoton High School Homecoming week

Hugoton High School 2020 Winter Homecoming week is February 10-14. The school is celebrating all week with spirit days. This year’s homecoming theme is, “We Got the Beat,” and each day is based off a popular song title. Below are the theme days that have been planned by the HHS StuCo members. Everyone is invited to participate each day!

Monday- “Thrift Shop” (mix & match) Tuesday- “Lazy Song” (pajamas) Wednesday- “Let’s Get Physical” (workout gear) Thursday- “I Love Rock’n Roll” (rock’n roll) Friday- “Our House” (school colors)

Congratulations to the 2020 Winter Homecoming court – Freshman Attendant: Mary Crawford; Sophomore Attendant: Jazmin Caballero; Junior Attendant: Victoria Landa; Senior Queen Candidates: Angelica Bojorquez, Gabriela Lopez, and Stacy Rodriguez; and Senior King Candidates: Antonio Gonzalez, Diego Montoya and Ivan Valles.

The king will be crowned at the pep rally in the West Gymnasium at 3:00 p.m. Friday, February 14. The queen will be crowned Friday night between the varsity girls and varsity boys games. The homecoming dance will begin after the boys basketball game and end at 11:30 p.m. It will be in the HHS Link Cafeteria.

Hugoton Police Officer Davis graduates

Twenty-one new law enforcement officers graduated from the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center (KLETC) January 24. Among the new officers graduating was Douglas “Andy” Davis of the Hugoton Police Department.

Reno County Sheriff Darrian Campbell was the speaker for the ceremony in KLETC’s Integrity Auditorium. The new officers were members of the two hundred and sixty first basic training class. The graduates, who began their training in September of 2019, represented 18 municipal, county and state law enforcement agencies from across Kansas.

Graduates receive certificates of course completion from KLETC and Kansas law enforcement certification from the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training, the state’s law enforcement licensing authority. The training course fulfills the state requirement for law enforcement training. Classroom lectures and hands-on applications help train officers to solve the increasingly complex problems they face in the line of duty.

Established by the Kansas Legislature in 1968, KLETC trains the majority of municipal, county and state law enforcement officers in Kansas and oversees the training of the remaining officers at seven authorized and certified academy programs operated by local law enforcement agencies and the Kansas Highway Patrol.

About 300 officers enroll annually in KLETC 14-week basic training programs. KLETC offers continuing education and specialized training to over 10,000 Kansas officers each year. KLETC is located one mile west and one mile south of Yoder, near Hutchinson, and is a division of University of Kansas Professional and Continuing Education.

Congratulations Officer Davis!

Stevens County was well represented last week as Loren Seaman was presented the 2019 National Crop Consultant of the Year award!

Loren was the guest of honor Friday, January 24 at the Henry B. Gonzalez Convention Center in San Antonio, Texas. He was invited and presented the award by the National Association of Independent Crop Consultants.

His award reads: This award recognizes superior entrepreneurial spirit, creativity, innovation and community involvement by an agricultural consultant – 2019 – NAICC

Loren is a member of the Kansas Association of Independent Crop Consultants. He was nominated by farmers he consults for as well as some of his peers. Congratulations Loren, we are so proud of you!

Amarillo South Rotary has named Brigan Peterson the “Amarillo Fire Fighter of the Year”! Brigan is a former Hugoton resident and son of Debi Peterson and Craig Peterson.

Amarillo Fire Fighter officials say “Peterson was the department instructor for the Advanced-Emergency Medical Technician class. He introduced the “Stop the Bleed” program to AFD. This program is a very basic first aid to help prevent deaths from bleeding (which is common training that saves lives during /after active shooter events). Thanks to Brigan bringing this concept up, there are now kits/training for all local public schools.”

Peterson received his award Thursday morning, January 9, after a presentation.

This is a well-deserved honor for sure. His fellow team members say they are proud to have Brigan on their LIFESTAR team and that Amarillo is lucky to have a great Firefighter like him! #ittakesateam.

Amarillo South Rotary subscribes to Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self”. Through this much-deserved recognition and honor, Amarillo South Rotary hopes to draw attention to the outstanding service these law enforcement officers have provided for the citizens of Potter and Randall Counties.

We here in Brigan’s hometown all join these team members in congratulating Brigan Peterson!

Kansas gets new personalized license plate design

Topeka – Beginning January 15, 2020, a new personalized license plate design will be seen on Kansas roads. The plate, featuring wind turbines on a Kansas sunrise, is aptly named “Powering the Future.” It will serve as a reminder of the state’s long history of embracing the natural energy resource of wind.

“Kansas is a leader in alternative energy and this plate helps feature the fact the state has a long history of adopting technology that shapes the future,” Secretary of Revenue Mark Burghart said.

“I am pleased that this license plate design comes on the heels of Kansas being ranked first in the nation for percentage of electricity produced by wind,” Governor Laura Kelly said. “At the same time, it is a display of an expanding industry that contributes so much to the economic fabric of our state.”

“The new personalized plate design has been highly anticipated,” David Harper, Director of Vehicles, said. “We are happy that people continue to take pride in and show interest in the option for personalized plates.”

Customers will need to go into their local county treasurer’s office to place the order for the personalized plate.

To obtain the personalized plate, county treasurers will require customers to have their current registration receipt, photo ID, and proof of insurance.

Customers who currently don’t have a personalized plate can go to their local county treasurer’s office with those documents and pay the plate fee and any additional fees associated with the plate order. They will receive a temporary vehicle tag and the metal plate will arrive in the mail. This can be done ahead of the regular renewal month.

For customers with the current 2015 personalized plate, a letter will be in the mail 45 days before the regular due date of the registration telling them they have the option to switch their current personalized combination to the new plate. Customers will be able to keep their 2015 personalized plate.

An application for a personalized plate can be printed and completed prior to the visit to the respective county treasurer’s office by clicking the following link:

The cost of the plate will be $45.50 in addition to other registration fees and taxes normally due.

As a previous mom with a history of short labor, Alejandra Tinoco wasn’t expecting child Number 5 to take long either. But even the veteran mom was taken by surprise with the speed in which Elijah Nicholas Tinoco came into the world in the early morning hours of New Year’s Day.

Alejandra, of Hugoton, woke up at 12:20 a.m. after her water broke. She and her husband Cris Tinoco then sped up the highway to Centura Health – St. Catherine Hospital in Garden City, and Elijah arrived at 1:42 a.m., making him the first baby born in the new decade at the hospital.

“It’s pretty cool,” Alejandra said about delivering St. Catherine’s first baby of 2020. “I was supposed to get induced on the (January) second in Ulysses. That was my whole plan. Like if I can make it to the second, I should be good.”

Elijah, who weighed in at 6 pounds, 6 ounces, had other plans.

Alejandra had been experiencing contractions earlier in the day on Tuesday, but they were about 40 minutes apart and eventually went away. She assured Cris she would be able to hold on until the following day, and the couple went to bed.

Cris said he woke up when he heard Alejandra talking on the phone with her Certified Nurse Midwife, Jayme Applebee, who told the couple it was time to head to St. Catherine. “

After like 10:30, (the contractions) went away. So, I’m like, ‘Well, let’s just go to sleep. I think I should be good.’ And then I woke up at like 12:20 because my water broke, and I’m like, ‘No, we gotta go,’” Alejandra said.

And go they did, leaving their Hugoton home at 12:25 a.m. and arriving at St. Catherine about 45 minutes later.

“I just said, ‘You’ve got to step on it. Just step on it, honey,’” Alejandra said.

How fast was Cris driving?

“The speed limit,” he said with a laugh, adding, “I was just focusing on driving. That was my main thing – drive and make sure we get there safe. I’m not going to lie, I topped it out. It was either that or having a baby in a car.”

Applebee, a Family Nurse Practitioner and Certified Nurse Midwife who lives and works out of Liberal, was close behind the couple and had called ahead to the staff at St. Catherine to let them know the couple was on their way.

Just a little more than a half-hour after arriving at St. Catherine, Elijah was born.

Alejandra said labor for Elijah’s older siblings – ages 10, 8, 6 and 4 – usually was about two to two and a half hours.

“She does what she needs to do – gets it done,” Cris said with a laugh.

While the couple was racing up the highway, it turned out to be a race for the title of New Year’s baby at St. Catherine, as four other babies were delivered at the hospital on New Year’s Day. The hospital delivered 659 babies in 2019.

St. Catherine provided the couple with a gift basket filled with baby toys, supplies for Mom and baby and some special keepsakes.

“This hospital does a good job of taking care of their patients, and they’re really helpful,” Cris said. “It’s been a pleasure, actually, being here. They treat you right.”

The Year in review – 2019!!!

Whether 2019 was good, bad or neutral for you, everyone can agree – it certainly wasn’t boring. The year was chock full of news for the Stevens County community, and the Hermes has been there all along. Following is a rundown of 2019 for this area.
In January, Betty Rosel was re-sworn in as Register of Deeds. She had originally been sworn in January 13, 1969. She is honored to have served over half a century. In April of 1975, Betty became an EMT – forty-four years ago.
The Stevens County 4-H Horse Bowl Team represented Kansas at the National Western Stock Show in Denver. Members of the team were Emily Headrick, Emma McClure, Toby McClure, Megan Newlon and Clair Clark. Their coach is Judy Parsons.
Chuck Holt of Hugoton made the long trip to Topeka to claim his $100,000 prize he won on the Kansas Lotto. The winning ticket was sold at Toot N Totum in Hugoton.
Randy Bane was recognized as the Morton County Museum Pioneer Man. He was one of the pioneers involved in the initiation and development of the Kansas Scholar’s Bowl Association.
Northwest Cotton Gin announced they are looking to double the size of their cotton gin. When it is completed, it will be the second largest cotton gin in North America.
Three Hugoton High School wrestlers qualified for State Competition. Michael Mendoza, Carter Cozlahr and David Cruz will travel to Salina for the competition.
Hugoton talent scored big at the 2019 Pancake Day talent show at Liberal. Alivia Grubbs, Maddy Neihues, Sidney Beesley, Renee Beesley and Sidni Root all were winners at the show.
Sergeant Gene Johnson retired from the Hugoton Police Department after twenty-five years of service.
Rafael Granillo of Moscow, is the proud recepient of the full ride scholarship from the Rudd Foundation. The scholarship covers tuition, fees, books and room and board for the four year program.
Rolla students took nine science experiments to the Kansas State Science and Engineering Fair and brought home several medals. Brynlee Williams, Rylan Williams, Samantha Dunn and Martha Martinez all earned gold medals. Hugoton’s eighth grader Claudia Clark also earned a gold and was second in Division II Overall.
The 2019 Twenty-First Annual Kansas Police Dog Association Seminar was hosted in Hugoton. Thirty-seven K-9 teams from all over Kansas participated in the training program.
Hugoton High School Band, which is comprised of 49 Hugoton students, competed at KSHAA State Large Group and received a I (superior rating) which is the highest rating that can be given.
Annha Eshbaugh won Best of Show for the sculpture at the Great Western Activities Conference League Art Show at Goodland.
Casle Heger earned the Superior Rating at State Piano for the second year in a row.
The Dust Bowl Riders hosted their Twenty-fifth Annual Motorcycle Rally. Around 200 cycles participated in the rally.
Michael Burrows traveled to the Dominican Republic for the Missionary Action project which is affiliated with the Church of God. Her group worked on erecting a new church building.
J.D. Robson qualified for the International Finals Youth Rodeo which will be in Shawnee, Ok.
Sue Claassen was presented with a ten year length of service award by the National Weather Service. She has been recording temperature, precipitation and snowfall data for the Richfield station since 2009.
Stanley and Linda McGill are this year’s Stevens County Fair King and Queen. Ella Martin, daughter of Will and Shelby Martin, is crowned the 2019 Sorghum Queen.
The Hugoton Police Department hosted an Open House of their new Police Station. The new station is up to date with all the newest technology.
The High Plains Music Fest enjoyed their sixth annual year of country music concerts. Other activities were the High Plains BBQ Bash, Giant Balloon display and the Fall Fling Craft Show.
The Gas Capital Car, Truck and Bike Show brought many antique vehicles to town for all to enjoy.
The Hugoton High School FFA won the State Land Contest for the third year in a row.
Gary Rowden, Electical System Supervisor for the City of Hugoton, was presented with the Max Embree ‘Distinguished Service Award’ in Wichita for his leadership role in his community and to public power.
Hugoton Eagles football team won District Championship against Holcomb.
Henry Beesley was presented with the American FFA Degree at Indianapolis, In. This Degree is the highest a member can attain and is only awarded to less than the top 1/2 of 1% of all FFA members in the nation.
Retha Wagner is named Kappa Eta Sorority 2019 Woman of the Year.
Moscow Wildcats football team took 6-man State Championship against Cheylin.
The year 2020 is going to have to rise above the bar that was set this past year!

During this season of giving, the American Red Cross urges eligible donors to give the gift of life to help ensure patients don’t have to worry about the availability of blood this winter. Blood and platelet donations of all types are needed, especially type O. You can give blood in Hugoton January 7, 2020 from 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m. at the St Helen Catholic Church at 1011 Jefferson.

Holiday travel and severe winter weather often lead to a decline in blood donations. However, a patient’s need for lifesaving treatment doesn’t take a vacation or stop for nasty weather. Blood and platelets are needed every day for those receiving treatment for cancer and leukemia, accident and burn victims and surgical patients, among others.

As a special thank you for being the lifeline for patients this holiday season, those who come out to give blood with the Red Cross through January 5 will receive a long-sleeved Red Cross T-shirt, while supplies last. To schedule an appointment to donate, download the free Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enable the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device. blood donation opportunities: * Garden City, January 2, 2020: 11:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m., Trinity Lutheran Church, 1010 Fleming St * Holcomb January 14, 2020: 10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m., Holcomb High School, 600 North Jones * Ulysses January 9, 2020: 12:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., Grant County Fairground, 1000 West Patterson Ave * Satanta January 16, 2020: 2:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m., Satanta High School, 100 Caddo Street.

Simply download the American Red Cross Blood Donor App, visit, call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767) or enable the Blood Donor Skill on any Alexa Echo device to make an appointment or for more information. All blood types are needed to ensure a reliable supply for patients. A blood donor card or driver’s license or two other forms of identification are required at check-in. Individuals who are 17 years of age in most states (16 with parental consent where allowed by state law), weigh at least 110 pounds and are in generally good health may be eligible to donate blood. High school students and other donors 18 years of age and younger also have to meet certain height and weight requirements. Blood and platelet donors can save time at their next donation by using RapidPass® to complete their pre-donation reading and health history questionnaire online, on the day of their donation, before arriving at the blood drive. To get started, follow the instructions at or use the Blood Donor App.

The American Red Cross shelters, feeds and provides emotional support to victims of disasters; supplies about 40% of the nation’s blood; teaches skills that save lives; provides international humanitarian aid; and supports military members and their families. The Red Cross is a not-for-profit organization that depends on volunteers and the generosity of the American public to perform its mission. For more information, please visit or, or visit us on Twitter at @RedCross.