Republican lieutenant governor candidate, Katie Sawyer, will be holding a meet and greet at the Hugoton Senior Center from 8:30 – 9:30 a.m. Friday, Oct. 28.

Brandon Gomez finishes his season in cross country with a first place win at the GWAC meet last week! Congratulations Brandon!!

Where in the World is the Hermes?

Where in the World is the Hermes? Milton and Eileen Gillespie recently visited Carol Swinney, former Hugoton resident, at her new digs in Fort Collins, Colorado! Carol is settling in nicely and enjoyed the lunch and the conversations! Photo courtesy of Eileen Gillespie.

Hugoton FFA First Place Homesite team

Hugoton FFA Homesite team earns first place and the right to attend the National contest. Pictured from the left are John Shelton, Zane Poulsen, Lainey Cox and Nicole Bustillos. Photo courtesy of Les McNally.

Over the weekend Madison, daughter of Brad and Jamie Niehues, shows off her trophy she earned by winning Third Place at the National Peddle Tractor Pull in Mitchell, South Dakota!! Great job Maddie!! Grandpa Greg would be so proud, as we all are!!

Following a recent food drive, members of the National Honor Society deliver all the wonderful food items collected to Project Hope. These students are very much appreciated by the patrons of Project Hope.

Fall 2022 Homecoming Court

The Hugoton High School Homecoming court is pictured, in front, left to right – seated Alaina Gold, Brianna Ordonez, Queen Mary Beth Crawford, Claudia Clark, Elly Nilsson-Green and Faith Beesley. Crown Bearer and Flower Girl are Grayson Allen and Skylynn Hemann. In the back row are Aiden Conner, Luis Cruz, Zackary Zambrano, Santiago Macias, King Adam Mendoza, Zevin Littell, Christian Gomez and Yossen Meza. Photo courtesy of USD 210.

Fall Homecoming Court 2022

The 2022 Homecoming Court from left to right in the front row are, Faith Beesley, Brianna Ordonez and Alaina Gold. In the back row are Mary Beth Crawford, Santiago Macias, Adam Mendoza, Luis Cruz, Elly Nilsson Green and Claudia Clark. The Homecoming Parade will be Friday at 3:00 p.m. at the intersection of Main and Sixth Street. Photo courtesy of Beth Settlemyer.

Several closings are scheduled for Labor Day

Monday, September 5 is Labor Day and some area businesses will be closed to celebrate. The Hugoton Hermes office will be closed. Early deadline for news and advertising is Friday, September 2 at 12 noon. Citizens State Bank and Equity Bank will both be closed Monday, September 5 with regular hours Friday, September 2.

The City of Hugoton offices will be closed Monday along with all county offices in the courthouse. The Hugoton Post Office will be closed Monday for the holiday with regular hours Saturday. Hi-Plains Lumber will be closed Saturday and Monday for Labor Day. Flatlanders Farm and Home will be open Monday, September 5 from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.

Southwest Kansas Sales LLC Carquest will be closed Monday. Napa – Ghumm’s Auto Center will be closed Monday, September 5. Ghumm’s Auto Center will be closed Saturday and Monday. Hugoton Drug will be closed Monday and Stevens County Retail Pharmacy will be closed Saturday and Monday Stevens County Medical Clinic will be closed Saturday and Monday. Stevens County Health Department will be closed Labor Day.

Pioneer Communications will be closed Monday. Hugoton Recreation Commission will be open 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Saturday, 1:00 to 5:00 p.m. Sunday and Monday 12:00 to 5:00 p.m. Stevens County Library will be closed Monday.

The Hugoton Eagles football team takes time out of their Saturday to sign autographs before the movie at the High Plains Theatre. The movie “Remember the Titans”  was shown to kick off football season here in Hugoton.  Good luck Hugoton Eagles. Photo courtesy of Debbie Nordling, High Plains Theatre Facebook Page.