Below is the 2016 Community guide. It is a test drive of our weekly E-Edition.
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Below is the 2016 Community guide. It is a test drive of our weekly E-Edition.
You will receive instant access to all the news and happenings of Hugoton, Moscow, Rolla, and the surrounding area.
Please subscribe online today.
Front row left to right: Brandon Lopez, Diego Novelo, Genesis Landa, Emily Saucedo, Aleah Farnum, Valerie Valerio and Adriel
Camacho. In back: Jorge Hernandez, Soe Lin Heger, Josephe Hernandez, Robert Williams, Xavier Santoyo, Kevin Mendez and Aquiles Aguilera. Not pictured are Josue Monroy and Bryan Loya. Picture courtesy of Nancy Hernandez.