Tuesday, July 30, 2019, at the Stevens County Fair, the Southwest Kansas branch of the national Quilts of Valor® Foundation presented quilts to 14 area Veterans. The 14 local Veterans honored this year included, Frank Furr, Mary Gonzalez, Richard Grubbs, Terry L. Higgins, Rick Kates, Jan Keith, Jim Langley, Glen McQueen, Bob Passmore, Gary Porter, Jim Rawlins, Greg Salmans, Frankie Thomas and Frank Walker.

The Quilts of Valor® Foundation consists of men and women throughout the country who volunteer to make heirloom quilts called Quilts of Valor®. These beautiful completed quilts then become a lifetime civilian award when presented to our military, both active and/or retired from current or previous duty.

The members of this Foundation, QOV, recognize that deployments and subsequent duty during wartime, change a person, often with repercussions that could last a lifetime. The Quilts of Valor® Mission Statement is to cover our service members and Veterans touched by war with comforting and healing Quilts of Valor®.

If you would like to enter a name of a Veteran you wish to be honored, go to govf.org. There you will be able to find the location to enter the Veteran’s information of name, address and contact information. This information in turn will be transmitted to that Veteran’s local Quilts of Valor® foundation. They will get in touch with the Veteran, getting their ok to proceed. This can happen very quickly if need be.

Thank you to all of our Veterans, you are so much appreciated for your service in keeping our United States free and safe.