The Hugoton City Council met for their regular meeting Tuesday, October 9 at the council meeeting room. Present at the meeting were Mayor Jack E. Rowden and Councilmen Dean Banker, Frankie Thomas, Shannon Crawford, Dan Corpening and Jason Teeter. Also attending were City Clerk Carrie L. Baeza, City Inspector Josh Grubbs, Chief of Police Courtney Leslie, Outside Utilities Supervisor Paul Nordyke, Electric and Park Systems Supervisor Gary Rowden, City Attorney Wayne R. Tate, Adrian Howie, Alvin Riley and Hugoton Hermes reporter Ruthie Winget.

Mayor Rowden presided. The council voted to approve the minutes of September 10, 2018.

The council also approved Municipal Judge Paula Sosa’s September report showing 23 new cases brought before the court and $5,535.80 remitted to the city.

Josh Grubbs gave the City Inspector report.  He reported several  building projects were in progress. Many code violations have been corrected, and he has sent out more violation notices.

The council approved the motion to charge off the uncollectible utility acounts in the amount of $4,094.38 as every effort was made to collect the accounts.

Adrian Howie, representing the Stevens County Coalition, came to update the council on plans to improve Raydene Park. The committee is looking into receiving funding through grants to install an outdoor fitness area, a covered pavilion and a splash pad. They are looking into a feasibility study, but wanted the council’s approval of the use of the park from Main Street to Monroe Street and Thirteenth Street to Fourteenth Street before this step began. The council approved the motion to allow the use of Raydene Park to begin the feasibility study on the project.

To read the rest of this story,
check out this week’s issue of The Hermes –
available at the following stores:
Carter’s Country Supercenter
Dollar General
Daylight Donuts
Hugoton Drug
Stevens County Retail Pharmacy
and Eagles Landing in Hugoton
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Corner Stop in Rolla
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