As cold and flu season approaches, the recent cases of viral meningitis at Hugoton USD 210 remind students, faculty, parents and the community at large to make sure to observe good hygiene to avoid feeling under the weather this fall and winter.

Please be sure to use the following healthy habits:

• Wash hands frequently

• Cover mouth when sneezing or coughing

• Do not share drinks, food, straws, eating utensils, lip balm, etc.

• Stay up-to-date on vaccinations.

Residents are also encouraged to avoid others who are displaying symptoms of illness and using alcohol-based sanitizer often. Other common-sense tips include eating healthy foods and getting plenty of rest.

Contact the Stevens County Health Department at 620-544-7177 for more information about vaccinations and other health concerns.

Meningitis is an inflammation of the protective membranes covering the brain and spinal cord. According to the Centers for Disease Control, viral meningitis is a serious condition, but often less severe than bacterial meningitis. People with normal immune systems usually recover from viral meningitis on their own. However, bacterial meningitis can be deadly and requires immediate medical attention. The Kansas Department of Health and Environment confirmed the recent cases at USD 210 were not bacterial meningitis.

As always, please be watchful if you have a sick child. If you have concerns that your sick child may be in distress, please seek medical advice.