Commissioners convened for their regular meeting Monday, August 20. All commissioners Pat Hall, Joe D Thompson and Tron Stegman were present. Amy Rich served as clerk due to Amy Jo Tharp’s absence. County Counselor Paul Kitzke arrived later in the morning.

Amy offered a few details about items on the day’s agenda. She mentioned Elaine Rowden would be coming in to talk about her official job description at the Fitness Center. They also spoke about recent electrical work at the Center and looked over the final bill.

Rodney Kelling came in to give his report. Moscow Mayor Billy Bell called in to the meeting to ask Rodney’s and the commissioners’ permission to use the Fire Department building as a possible rain location for the town’s upcoming street dance. The conditions included no alcohol or tobacco products on the property, and the provision that the trucks and firefighting equipment be easily accessible.

Rodney also told the commissioners the fire station’s roof has started to leak again. Quotes for permanent repairs run from $65,000 to $100,000; for replacing screws, painting the seams, applying a spray coating or replacing the tin completely. Rodney then asked about possibly improving the visibility of Commercial Road, after EMS experienced difficulty locating a house there on a recent call. Commissioners said they’d talk to Tony Martin about possibly putting up a street sign and blading the road. Commissioners also spoke with Rodney about intersections that could benefit from rumble strips, specifically mentioning the location of the recent fatality accident.

Tony Martin came in to talk about the Road and Bridge Department. The commissioners asked him about the hard-to-find road Rodney had mentioned. They asked if Tony could install street signs at each end so it’s more easily visible, and Tony readily agreed. He then talked about the loader that had blown over recently; insurance said to go ahead and replace the windows in that machine. The stacker will likely be totaled, and Tony should know for sure within approximately ten days. The logistics of replacing the stacker were discussed briefly.

To read the rest of this story,
check out this week’s issue of The Hermes –
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