Monday evening’s school board meeting opened with a budget hearing. Superintendent Adrian Howie went over a few items in the budget after Mike Persinger called the meeting to order. Mr. Howie explained changes in this year’s budget to those present. He said at this time they’re projected to pay off the bond early, saving taxpayers up to $100,000. There were no objections and the budget hearing adjourned. A copy of the 2018 budget for USD 210 is available at Central Office.

August’s regular board meeting commenced after the budget hearing adjourned. Mike commented about the middle and high school parking lots and thanked Mr. Howie for his fiscal responsibility, which allowed for the parking lots to be repaired.

The board recognized new staff members as introduced by the building principals. Mrs. Witt introduced Jaclyn Yowell, Angela Heger, Kara DeLaurentis, Ray Kennedy, Abel Medina, Jeison Rodriguez, Nicholas O’Loughlin and Craig Wind as new high school employees. Mr. Eslinger introduced Jacy Knoth and recognized Mr. Medina again, as he’ll be teaching at both the middle and high schools. Intermediate Principal Sonja Watkins introduced Erica Martinez and Ashley Knier. Primary School Principal Tiffany Boxum introduced Delaini de la Cerda. New HHS employee Kathy Cooper was unable to attend the meeting. Mr. Howie introduced the board members to the new teachers.

The board approved the handbooks as presented without further discussion. They then discussed the Parents As Teachers grant, and agreed to a 65 cent per dollar match by USD 210 after recommendation from Mr. Howie.

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