Manor named Zero Deficiency Facility

Linda Stalcup, CEO of Stevens County Hospital and Pioneer Manor, proudly announced the Manor received no deficiencies during  their annual Kansas State survey team inspection that  Pioneer Manor  had this past month.

When this team came in, they looked at everything including all the systems. They talked to the residents and families. They are making sure that the Manor is providing the best standard of care. This year, when the team finished their inspection, they told Linda that they found zero deficiencies.

Linda commented that this is the first time the Manor ever received zero deficiencies.  Other times, they have  found minor deficiencies and occasionally  major ones.  The Manor has made a lot of changes and have a lot of people in the right places now.

This team loved the current Manor. They stated this was the cleanest kitchen they had ever seen and the housekeeping was excellent. The maintenance of the building was great also.

Pioneer Manor has a right to be proud of their facility.

Congratulations to you all!