Retha Wagner has been selected as the Kappa Eta Sorority 2019 Woman of the Year. Retha joins a list of amazing women who have served the community over the years.

Retha is the middle sister of five girls born to Robert and Thelma Farmer McIlrath right here in Hugoton. She grew up with her sisters, LaVon Holt, Joan Spikes, Shirley Dillmon and Delores Bullard and attended Hugoton schools. After graduation, Retha began her first job at Republic Natural Gas Company, where she met her future husband, Charles Wagner. They married and built a house next to Retha’s childhood home where they have lived all their lives, interrupted by a short five-year stint in Eudora.

Retha and Charles have a daughter, Shannon Harper, who lives in Denver, Co. with her husband Keith and son Tim Wagner, who lives in Newton with his wife Kim.

Wagners have five grandchildren, Jordan Blackburn and Case Harper and Jonah, Marlie and Eric Wagner, as well as two great grandsons, Deklan and Dylan Blackburn.

Retha and Charles have made many trips over the years to Denver and Newton to freeze at soccer games, cheer at basketball games and attend many other special grandchild events, as well as hosting their grandchildren at their home during the summers for an annual “week at Grandma Retha’s and Grandpa Charlie’s house” filled with great fun and greater memories.

Equipped with a sympathy for the less fortunate and a post Dust Bowl era work ethic, Retha has been a member of various clubs, served on various boards, in addition to just doing whatever she could see that needed done wherever it needed to be done.

Here are some of the things Retha has been involved with:

•Substituted for the Hugoton Elementary School secretary on occasion.

•Charitable projects and baking for PEO

•President of Stevens County Library Board

•Served on the Board of Trustees, United Methodist Church (UMC).

•Sewed quilt tops and put in frames for weekly Quilting Group, UMC

•Prepared food for funeral dinners at UMC

•Made desserts for Mug and Muffin Bible study, UMC •Taught adult Sunday School, UMC
•Project Hope
•Crafted paintings and other items for Pheasant Heaven Charity silent auctions

•President of Baker Arts Board in Liberal used artistic abilities to make items for sale and organized fundraising events

•Art and religious presentations for schools and church

Retha is and has been a valued asset to this community for many years and will be for years to come.