Vote at the General Election November 5

In the November 2019 General Election there will be a proposition to amend Section 1 of Article 10 of the Constitution for the State of Kansas. The amendment will elimi- nate a provision in the Kansas Constitution requiring Kansas to adjust census numbers for military personnel and college students. The adjustment requires the Secretary of State’s office to contact every college student and member of the military residing in Kansas to determine their official residence. Kansas is the only state in the nation that adjusts its census numbers. The adjustment is estimated to cost around $835,00 in 2020.

A vote for this proposition would eliminate the adjustment of census taken by the United States census bureau regarding nonresident military personnel and non resident students when reapportioning the Kansas senate and house of representatives.

A vote against this proposition would continue in effect the requirement for the adjustment of census taken by the United States Census Bureau regarding nonresident military personnel and nonresident students when reapportioning the Kansas senate and house of representatives.

Voters will also have a chance to vote in Stevens County for the USD 210 Board of Education, USD 209 Board of Education and Moscow and Hugoton Mayor positions.

In the USD 210 Board of Education there are four positions available and five candidates running for the positions. Candidates are Todd Gayer, Barry D. Hittle, Mike Persinger, Paula M. Rowden and Ed Stevenson.

In the USD 209 Board of Education there are four positions available and six candidates running for the positions. Candidates are Antonia “Toni” Crawford, Grace Eisenhower, Mark Horyna, Brandi Lahey, Terry A. Pierson and Tammy L. Sutherland- Abbott

Both Mayor positions have only one candidate running.

The General Election is Tuesday, November 5, 2019. Polls will open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 7:00 p.m. Voters in Moscow 1, 2 and 3 will vote at the Methodist Church at 304 Main in Moscow. Stevens County voters in all other voting precincts will vote at the Memorial Hall at 200 East Sixth in Hugoton.