EcoDevo approves two Small Business grants

     The Stevens County Economic Development board met at noon in the craft room of the Senior Center for their monthly meeting August 13, 2019. Attending the meeting were board members Jack Rowden, Doug Martin, Neal Gillespie, Jonathon Pearcy and Curtis Crawford. Also present at the meeting were EcoDevo Director Jan Leonard, secretary Alisha Owens and Hugoton Hermes reporter Ruthie Winget. Board members absent were Judy Parsons, Adrian Howie, Walt Beesley and Ron Honig.

The board reviewed and approved the minutes of the July 9, 2019 meeting.

Treasurer Jack Rowden reported a checking account balance of $6,018.79 and the Special Projects balance of $23,612.67. He reported the Small Business Grants to 3LG Holdings and MC Oil of $2,500 each have not yet been paid out.

The board approved the motion to transfer $4,700 from the Special Projects account to the checking account to pay bills.

Director Leonard informed the board he had attended the county commissioner meeting and the EcoDevo budget was approved.

     Two more Small Business grant applications were received. One was from Yardmaster in renovate the front of their business and the other application was from Main Revelation run by Pam Hamlin and Beth Beard. After some discussion, the board approved both of these applications. Curtis Crawford abstained voting on the Yardmaster application.

The board passed the motion stating this will be the last of these grants until the first of next year.

Jan informed the board that the Kansas Lt. Governor did a walking tour of Seaboard Biodiesel Plant. Several Hugoton officials were present for the tour.

     Jan also showed the Lt. Governor the tunnel and relics from under the for- mer Bundy Hotel, located where the Farm Bureau business managed by Tanner Rindels is now located.

Jan Leonard, Alisha Owens, Adrian Howie and Pat Hall attended the Lt. Governors Rural Prosperity Listening Tour held in Ulysses July 30.

EcoDevo Director Leonard reported September 7, 2019 at the Dirtona Race Track will be the Hi Plains Fall Fling, Hi Plains Barbeque Bash and the Hi Plains Music Fest. The kites that were on display last year will be part of the festivities again this year.

The meeting adjourned. The next meeting will be September 10, 2019.