City approves 2.2% COLA raise for 2019

The Hugoton City Council met for their year end meeting Wednesday, December 26, 2018 in the council meeting room. Attending the meeting were Councilmen Dean Banker, Frankie Thomas, Dan Corpening, Shannon Crawford and Jason Teeter. Also present were Mayor Jack E. Rowden, City Clerk Carrie L. Baeza, City Inspector Josh Grubbs, Outside Utilities Supervisor Paul Nordyke, Electric and Park Systems Supervisor Gary Rowden and Hugoton Hermes reporter Ruthie Winget.

Mayor Rowden presided.

City Clerk Carrie Baeza explained the proposed amendments for the 2018 budget. After some discussion, the council voted to approve the amended 2018 budget. The amended budget can be seen on page 6 of this week’s issue of The Hugoton Hermes.

The council approved the motion for uncollectible utility accounts to be charged off with every effort made to collect the accounts.

The City Clerk reported to the council during the year of 2018, the city share of the 1.5% sales tax – turned over to the county as per the interlocal agreement – is $230,499.24.

The council did their annual wage and salary review. After going into executive session, the council approved a Cost of Living Allowance of 2.2% for 2019 for city employees.

The council also approved a Cereal Malt License renewal for the Best Western Plus Stevens County Inn.

The meeting adjourned.  Their next meeting will be January 7, 2019 at 5:15 p.m