
Hugoton FFA members to be recognized

The Hugoton FFA Chapter will be receiving recognition as a Three Star Chapter Thursday afternoon, October 25 during the second session of the National FFA Convention. This award is only given to the top 280 programs in the country! This National Chapter Award has been the focus of Hugoton’s chapter activities for the past 12 years, with months of work and a multitude of hours of planning, goal setting and achieving by all of the officer teams during that time period. Part of this year’s officer team- President Megan Newlon, Vice President Hallie Wettstein, Secretary Kynna Crawford, Treasurer Karina Rodriguez, Reporter Casle Heger, Sentinel Justin Blakeley, and Student Council Representative David Barker will be there to receive the award.

Post high school Hugoton FFA members Jessica Harper, Mariah Reynolds, Bernabe Mendoza and Elias Mendoza will be receiving the American Degree Saturday morning, October 27.

Convention sessions  can be viewed live on RFD TV ( Channel 120 in town), Thursday, October 25 from 1:00 to 2:30 p.m.  and Saturday morning, October 27. Hugoton FFA members will be featured on live TV during those times.

The four Hugoton graduates being honored at the Ninety-first National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, In. with American FFA Degrees are receiving the highest degree achievable in the National FFA Organization. Less than one half of one percent of FFA members ever reach this high level of achievement.

The American FFA Degree shows an FFA member’s dedication to his or her chapter and the state FFA association. It also demonstrates the effort FFA members apply toward their Supervised Agricultural Experience and the outstanding leadership abilities and community involvement they exhibited throughout their FFA career.

American FFA Degree recipients show promise for the future and have gone above and beyond to achieve excellence.

The requirements to earn the American FFA Degree are set forth in the National FFA Constitution. To be eligible to receive the American FFA Degree, members must meet qualifications such as receiving a State FFA Degree, holding active membership for the past three years, completing secondary instruction in an agricultural education program and operating an outstanding Supervised Agricultural Experience program. Community service, leadership abilities and outstanding scholastic achievement are also required.

All applications are submitted to the National FFA Organization, after approval of a member’s state association. After review by national staff, the National FFA Board of Directors approve qualified candidates to receive the American FFA Degree at the National FFA Convention and Expo.

Candidates for the 2018 American FFA Degree will be honored on-stage during the Eighth General Session of the Ninety-first National FFA Convention and Expo Saturday, October 27, at the American FFA Degree Ceremony at Lucas Oil Stadium, 500 S Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, In.

Recipients receive a certificate and the American FFA Degree key in honor of their accomplishments and dedication to FFA.