Commissioners welcome Harris and Evans

The Stevens County Board of County Commissioners met in regular session Monday, October 1 with Joe D. Thompson and Pat Hall present. Tron Stegman was absent. Also present were County Attorney Paul Kitzke, County Clerk Amy Jo Tharp and RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes.

Commissioners had a light schedule for the morning: Bills – 8:30; Marilyn Harris – 9:00; Tony Martin – 9:30; Paula Rowden – 9:45; Vernon Anderson – 10:00; and lunch at noon.

The Commissioners were visiting with Robert Lucero and Rex Evans when this reporter arrived. Rex is taking Robert’s place as Courthouse Facilities Super-visor. Robert was going to show Rex the different things Rex will now be responsible for.

Marilyn Harris is taking on the job of Memorial Hall Kitchen Housekeeper. She will be in charge of taking care of the kitchen following events when the kitchen is used. She will be picking up a schedule each week/month in the courthouse.

Motion was made and passed to pay the bills.

Commissioners were ahead of schedule so Vernon Anderson went early. He visited with the Commissioners about the permits needed for KDI for their future lagoon. They talked about how clean the KDI waste water is. It is tested continually. KDI will definitely have to have permits to cross any county roads. Otherwise KDHE already has them do nearly all the permits necessary.

Tony Martin reported for Road and Bridge. He said the road they have been building is finished now. He gave the Commissioners the estimated costs, and commissioners asked Tony to make sure the proper forms are filled out and followed by KDI for crossing any county roads.

To read the rest of this story,
check out this week’s issue of The Hermes –
available at the following stores:
Carter’s Country Supercenter, Dollar General, Daylight Donuts,
Hugoton Drug, Stevens County Retail Pharmacy
and Eagles Landing in Hugoton
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