The Hugoton City Council convened for their regular meeting Monday, July 9 at the council meeting room. Present at the meeting were Mayor Jack E. Rowden and Councilmen Dean Banker, Frankie Thomas, Dan Corpening, Shannon Crawford and Jason Teeter.  Also attending the meeting were City Clerk Carrie Baeza, Outside Utilities Supervisor  Paul Nordyke, Electric and Park Systems Supervisor Gary Rowden, City Inspector Josh Grubbs, City Attorney Wayne R. Tate, Police Chief Courtney Leslie, Vicki Hubin of the Western Kansas Child Advocacy, Wayne Reynolds, Evalina Reynolds, Blain Stump, Kara Stump and Hugoton Hermes reporter Ruthie Winget.

Mayor Rowden presided.

The council approved the minutes of the previous June 11 and June 18 meetings. They also approved the Municipal Judge’s report for June.

City Inspector Josh Grubbs stated he had been sending out a lot of Code Violation notices, mostly weed violations.

The council voted to approve the quarterly charge offs.

The council also approved Resolution No.  2018-3, the financing of the acquisition of the Police Department by a lease purchase agreement.  This Resolution can be seen on page 7 of this issue.

Vicki Hubin of the Western Kansas Child Advocacy stopped by the meeting to explain what their organization has been doing in Stevens County. The City Council approved a motion to donate $1,500 to help this organization.

The council also approved the motion to reappoint Darin Heger to the Board of Zoning Appeals.

The Planning Commission met June 12, 2018 and recommended to change zoning from I-1 (Industrial) to B-1 (Business) for the property at 839 E. Eleventh Street.  The council voted to rezone this property. See Ordinance 846 on page 3B of this issue. Blain and Kara Stump were present at the meeting. They stated they plan to open a restaurant called Stumpy’s in this location. They hope to open as soon as they can get the remodeling completed. They plan to offer home cooking, also steaks and mashed potatoes and gravy.

To read the rest of this story,
check out this week’s issue of The Hermes –
available at the following stores:
Thrifty King, Dollar General, Daylight Donuts,
Hugoton Drug, Stevens County Retail Pharmacy
and Eagles Landing in Hugoton
The Store in Moscow and the Corner Stop in Rolla
or subscribe online now by clicking here!