The Stevens County Board of County Commissioners met in a special session 8:30 a.m. Thursday, July 14, 2016 with all Commissioners, Pat Hall, Joe D. Thompson and Dave Bozone present. Also present were County Clerk Pam Bensel, RoGlenda Coulter from The Hugoton Hermes and a very large number of concerned people.
The special session was called for a budget workshop. Teresa, the Stevens County Accountant, was present and had a screen set up to show the Commissioners details of the county’s budget.
Upon seeing how many people were showing up and still coming, the meeting was moved upstairs to the courtroom, where the room filled to capacity also. The very large crowd was mostly there due to concerns about losing the Fitness Center.
Pat explained the valuation is tremendously low now due to the oil and gas. He said the Commissioners understand how this large number of citizens want to keep things the same, but this would mean raising taxes a lot to keep them even close to the same. There are even more residents of Stevens County – some on limited incomes – who are not in favor of using tax money to pay for the Fitness Center. The Commissioners think the answer may be for a private individual or even a coop, made up of the people who use the center, to take it over.
Robert Rich from the Fitness Center presented the budget including cuts he had been able to make. He told about the key card system he had been studying from other towns and what good results they were having. The card system would eliminate the need for billing as the billing would be all automatic and come via direct pay. This would allow for an increase in price for membership. Robert has also been working at finding donors to help them fund the Fitness Center and told of a significant amount that has been offered. He had met with the council for the City of Hugoton, the Recreation Commission and USD 210. They are willing to help in some way. It might even be a possibility to move the Fitness Center into the east Rec building. This would not provide a walking track though, and the Rec would be concerned about insurance and utilities.
Concerns about the key card system were discussed. The hours would be somewhere around 5:00 p.m. until Robert comes to work at 5:00 a.m. This would make the facility available 24 hours a day to paid members to the key card system. Curtis Crawford has a camera system for Robert to use to monitor the center during these hours.
As good as all that sounds – the commissioners commented the county would still be responsible for some of the money going into the Fitness Center. The tax money has to be used first for health and safety of the tax payers. Commissioners asked if the people there would be willing to pay double to keep it open – and most said they would. The group was reminded next year may be even worse – do they want to turn around and do this all over again?
Elaine Rowden from the Fitness Center asked if they could have some extra time to work to find an answer. Pat said the budget does have to be in to their accountant soon. Pat said he had been approached by two individuals who are interested in opening the Center as a business endeavor. Elaine expressed her appreciation to the Commissioners for their support over the years. Commissioners tried to explain the natural gas is just no longer here to pay the taxes anymore. The burden has shifted to the people to pay now. Elaine again asked if the Commissioners’ minds were set or if they could have some more time to find more options. They have gone to other entities and were unable to ask them because they had already had their meetings. Others will not give them a strong commitment although they expressed interest. Pat admitted everyone is struggling to make it. Commissioners still think private investors or the possibility of a coop would be the best way to go. It was asked just how much the building would be sold for. Pat said it might be possible to sell the building and the contents at a good price so it could be kept intact. If it was sold to a private investor and kept as a business – then it will be added to the tax rolls. Dave reminded this may not be a possibility because the building, if sold, would have to be by auction or sealed bids by law. Robert said then anybody might buy it – meaning another kind of business. Pat wondered if the wording could stipulate that the facility remains the same.
After doing research on other county commissioner salary rates, it was brought up, by one of the people attending, the Stevens County Commissioners get paid well above other counties. It was suggested the Commissioners clean house also. It was proposed/suggested the rate of the Commissioners’ office be set at no more that $15,000 a year. That would save a considerable amount of money. Pat said he would make the motion right now to take a ten percent pay cut. How much does that come to? Approximately $2600. savings per Commissioner. It was suggested good quality people may not be willing to run if the pay is not good. Jim Gooch said he didn’t agree with that as he knows other county commissioners who are good quality individuals. Dave said they already cut out most traveling and pay some out of their own pockets.
It was asked how much increase in membership it would take to cover the cost for the Fitness Center. Commissioners said three times as much. Dave said they need to check with Paul about moving it to a coop instead of going to auction. Pat reminded although taxes will raise some – they are doing all they can to keep the raise low.
Commissioners thanked those who came and the Commissioners were thanked in return. The issue was tabled for now. The Commissioners moved back to the Commissioners’ room.
The Commissioners’ room filled with the various county department heads to hear about the budget. Teresa asked if they wanted to keep the Fitness Center at budget neutral for now. It was agreed to do that. How long? It can be built in to the budget – then if the funding does not come in – it can be abolished.
Motion was made to cut the Commissioners’ salary ten percent. Motion passed unanimously.
Some things need to not be cut – as with the tax lid – Stevens County will be stuck with this for the next five years. It could even go longer.
This reporter asked then if the GIS department will be cut. They agreed they needed to discuss this matter. Susan will start billing all people as well as the City of Hugoton for services done for them. This was not being done before. The Economic Development is cut and the Chamber will receive $14,000. The Transportation department is cut. The Extension was discussed and left the same for now. A hiring freeze was discussed but decided to leave this to department heads. Changes in the county benefits were discussed. It was decided to keep them the same. Other budgets were discussed in detail. The budget will have to be published in The Hermes following the budget hearing September 27.
Meeting adjourned.