FFA State Degrees and Alumni Scholarship winners are left to right Taylor Nulik, Kynna Crawford, Victoria Bryan, Jacob Bell, Karina Rodriquez, Nicholas Bryan, Kyra Shelton, Jay McClure, Molly McClure and Suheila Rosas.

Easter Egg Hunt 2021

The Easter Egg hunters were out in style Saturday. The day was beautiful and it seems most all were ready for a day outing dressed in their Easter finest. It may have taken members of the Lions Club almost a couple hours to “hide” the hundreds of colorful filled eggs, but those little egg hunters made short work of finding them and filling their baskets to overflowing. Thank you to all who helped make this possible for our young ones. It was a fun day.

The Fifty-third Annual Kiwanis Auction

The Fifty-third Annual Kiwanis Auction had good weather over the weekend. As usual a crowd of local and not-so-local interested buyers gather to see what they may need. Also what good bargains they can gather up. It is the yearly social event for Stevens County.

Legislative Update attended last weekend

A Legislative Update was attended March 20 at the Senior Center. In the above picture, left to right are Senator John Doll, USD 210 Superintendent Adrian Howie, Representative Marty Long and Hugoton Chamber Director Alisha Owens.

State Champions with their plaques and coaches, front row left to right are, Jose Coreno, Caiden Perez and Fynn Reinerio. In the back row are, Coach Cody Hill, Coach Josh Perez, Coach Derick Reinerio and Coach Ivan Andrade. Photo courtesy of Jessica Reinerio.

After Prom Quilt Winners

Terry and Jill Jordan are the new owners of this beautiful quilt that was made by Henry Smith and donated to the Project Prom After Party. They have been great supporters of the Hugoton High School students.  Thanks again Terry and Jill aka Jordan Air.

Severe Weather Preparedness

Spring, summer, autumn and winter. While these are the seasons of the year everyone is familiar with, Kansans can usually plan on one more: severe weather season.

Sunset in Southwest Kansas

Pictures cannot capture the true beauty and colors of a Southwest Kansas sunset. Monday evening not only brought thoughts of a spring evening, but also these wonderful painting perfect colors only the Lord’s paintbrush can create.

Kuehns are named the 2021 Sweetheart Couple

Terry and Sheri Kuehn, on the left, are presented their winnings at Hugoton Drug. Alisha Owens is giving them the $50 gift certificate from the Chamber. Terry and Sheri are the lucky winners of the Sweetheart Sweepstakes garnering them the title and all the goodies that go with it. Congratulations Sheri and Terry – Sweethearts of 2021!!

HHS Winter Homecoming

The Hugoton High School Winter Homecoming Court includes, left to right front row, Gianna Vos, Moriah Leslie, Ana Cruz Aguilar, Gillian Heger, Olivia Flores and Raeleigh Angell. In back are King Candidates Chay Burnett, Logan Goetzinger and Juan Fraire.