The Stevens County Board of County Commissioners met via Zoom conference call Monday morning, April 27 with all members, Tron Stegman, Pat Hall and Joe D. Thompson accounted for. Also accounted for were County Clerk Amy Jo Tharp, County Counselor Paul Kitzke and RoGlenda Coulter for The Hugoton Hermes. Many county entities were present via Zoom including Rodney Kelling, Eunice Schroeder, Stacey Strickland, Susan Schulte, Tony Martin and Vanessa Willis.

Commissioners looked over the bills, had a few questions, then made the motion to pay them.

Tron said he received a text from Paula Rowden – she would not be at this meeting – but she has some concerns about what the Governor says of how Stevens County is going to reopen Monday. It is believed that the Governor will surely have another announcement to make before Monday of how it is to be handled. Joe D. said he listened to the Governor last week and said the plan right now is to have three stages of opening. She is going to have them laid out and available in the middle of this week. She did not have the details yet. The state and KDHE have been working with restaurants, hotels and industries that had major layoffs, to figure out how to work this out. Local control may be needed.

Tron announced that Courthouse Facilities Supervisor Ross Sullivan had some information for them. Ross said the drop box is installed but some courthouse departments do not want any of their people putting anything in it. Ross assured that the box is heavy duty and connected to the building. Vanessa told of some of her concerns. After discussion – Commissioners said to take it down. Commissioners visited about Ross using his own push mower. Ross was told to purchase a push mower locally.

Minutes from last meeting were checked and given an okay. Tony Martin reported in for Road and Bridge. He said they have converted to ten hour days – four days a week.

They are heating up asphalt and filling the water pits. Road and Bridge will be ready to do some asphalt jobs in a couple of days. The guys have been doing a good job of social distancing. Tony reported about some roads and told of being in compliance with the drug testing and CDL checking. He said if they are looking for a place to go with the drop box – his department could put it to use.

Amy was asked if there are any changes she knows of for the election. She said not at this time. The state will help with funding of COVID-19 protection materials for elections.

As far as the Wellness Center is concerned – Commissioners are interested in what will be ordered for gyms. Rodney was asked if he can get extra PPE equipment for county entities for when they are allowed to open.

Rodney said they have to turn in a request to him and then he has to turn the request in to the state. The cleaning supplies are hard to find right now and chances are pretty slim to be able to get it. Amy said she may be able to find some.

Sheriff Heaton reported in. He said he was good and didn’t need anything.

Eunice reported in for the Library and said she sent in her budget. She told that since the new LED lights are in they are seeing a significant savings in the electricity bill. For a July update, they are going to up their bandwidth and it will cost around $30 a month more. People are using the WiFi outside the Library. All items that have been returned to the Library during the shut-down are in quarantine and will have to be sanitized upon opening day. So masks, hand sanitizer and antibacterial wipes will be needed to wipe these items down with. Commissioners told her to talk to Rodney. Four to six people are on staff at the Library, so this will limit those coming in if numbers are limited still. Motion was made to accept the new Library Board Member Jana Harris to replace Ashley Pearcy.

Amy told of what county entities’ budgets are not in yet: Airport, Noxious Weed, Landfill, Museum, Sheriff, Appraiser and Treasurer. Amy said Angela is working on the Appraiser Budget. These have to be to the auditors by May 4, to the Commissioners by May 25 and the Budget Workshop will be July 9.

Discussion followed from Paul about his budget.

Commissioners visited with Vanessa about tax collections. They kind of need to know how the funds will compare with last years’. They said they heard that some other counties are having to let employees go due to shortness in funds.

Commissioners talked of when to have another meeting. Whenever the Governor makes another announcement, they need to have a meeting the following day. Especially if she is going to give more control to the county. Paula will need to be present.

Next on the agenda was Jonathan Herald with WKCAC. He explained their services they provide for Stevens County and asked for the County’s support again. Commissioners told him they will check over the budget and let him know.

Meeting adjourned.