Amarillo South Rotary has named Brigan Peterson the “Amarillo Fire Fighter of the Year”! Brigan is a former Hugoton resident and son of Debi Peterson and Craig Peterson.

Amarillo Fire Fighter officials say “Peterson was the department instructor for the Advanced-Emergency Medical Technician class. He introduced the “Stop the Bleed” program to AFD. This program is a very basic first aid to help prevent deaths from bleeding (which is common training that saves lives during /after active shooter events). Thanks to Brigan bringing this concept up, there are now kits/training for all local public schools.”

Peterson received his award Thursday morning, January 9, after a presentation.

This is a well-deserved honor for sure. His fellow team members say they are proud to have Brigan on their LIFESTAR team and that Amarillo is lucky to have a great Firefighter like him! #ittakesateam.

Amarillo South Rotary subscribes to Rotary’s motto, “Service Above Self”. Through this much-deserved recognition and honor, Amarillo South Rotary hopes to draw attention to the outstanding service these law enforcement officers have provided for the citizens of Potter and Randall Counties.

We here in Brigan’s hometown all join these team members in congratulating Brigan Peterson!