
Moscow has been awarded the SHAPE Award of Kansas from The Kansas Department of Labor. This was the first award given out this year. There have only been seven awards given out in ten years since they started giving them out in 2012. The Kansas Department of Labor makes over 500 visits to public entities a year. Moscow is one of the first in the southwest Kansas area and one of the first small cities to receive it. The Industrial Safety and Health Division recognizes safety conscious employers and employees in the public sector. The Safety and Health Award for Public Employees (SHAPE) program is designed for those public sector entities whose employees have not had a lost-time accident for a specific number of consecutive days.

Tim Cruz with the Kansas Department of Labor came to Moscow and walked through all of the city buildings. He made a report of what the city had to fix and it had to be fixed within 60 days and sent back. Some things are understandable as far as can’t fix because of money etc. but Moscow got things fixed and sent back. Inspectors then show back up in six months unannounced to check everything and Mosocw had zero hazards, thanks to the hard work of Toni Crawford, Permelia Clark and the city guy Nico.