School Board holds two special meetings

The USD 210 Board of Education met Tuesday, August 31 for a special meeting at the Central Office at 6:30 p.m. The meeting was called to order and the agenda was approved. The board discussed the phases for the district before a group of concerned parents. The number of covid related absences has risen to 65 in the district, with eight active cases. After much discussion a motion was made to move to Phase 3 at the high school and Phase 2 at the ECDC, elementary and middle school. Phase 3 is masks are required for all staff and students. Phase 2 is face masks are encouraged for all staff and students. The motion passed 5-2. The board also approved Mr. Howie to pursue the KDHE testing grant. A motion was made and approved to recommend masks for spectators at activities if they are unable to socially distance. The meeting adjourned. The next board meeting will be Monday, September 13 at 6:30 p.m. at the Central office.

The USD 210 Board of Education met Monday, August 30 for a special meeting at the Central Office at 6:30 a.m. The board approved the hires of Helena Giesbrecht for food service at the MS/HS building and Maria Caballero for food service at the elementary. The board also accepted the resignations of Janeth Castro as ESL aide at the high school and Cash Anthony as athletic director/assistant principal.