The Hugoton High School graduation took place Saturday, July 11 at the HHS football field. “Pomp and Circumstance” by Sir Edward Elgar was played as the students walked to their seats. Gavin Heger gave the Invocation. Mrs. Melody Witt, Principal of HHS gave the welcoming remarks. Hugoton had three valedictorians this year. The valedictorians and their parents were introduced by Mrs. Witt. Each gave a short speech.

Jenna Beesley introduced the commencement speaker, her mother, Mrs. Jennifer Beesley. Mrs. Witt then presented the class, accepting the class and the awarding of the diplomas was Mike Persinger, President of the Board of Education. He was assisted by the rest of the school board members.

Frances Gaskill announced the recognition of mothers while special music “Becoming Me” by Matthew West, “Good Riddance” and “Time of My Life” by Green Day was played. Terron Stegman gave the Benediction and Mrs. Witt announced the moving of the tassel.

Two Hugoton High School students have entered the military, David Barker and Gabriela Lopez. The class escorts were Wyatt Angell and Gillian Heger. Senior Sponsors were Jennifer Beesley and Gena Burnett.

Congratulations to the Class of 2020!