School Board sets graduation date

The Hugoton USD 210 Board of Education met in a regular monthly session at ​6:30 p.m.​ Monday, May 11, 2020. The meeting was​ streamed live on the district’s YouTube Live page.

The meeting was called to order and the agenda was approved. The board discussed the Hugoton High School graduation date.

The board voted to approve July 11 for graduation at 9:00 a.m. at the football field. HLA graduation will be July 12 in the auditorium. Thursday, May 28 is set for the senior showcase. It will be at 7:00 p.m. and will be virtual.

Jalaa Miller with The IMA Financial Group discussed the health insurance renewal. The board voted to renew the insurance with Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Kansas for 2020-2021 school year. The monthly premiums with blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance for the 2020-2021 school year were set at $751 for single plan; $1,333 for employee and spouse, $1,230 for employee and children and $1,716 for family plan.

The board approved the monthly Cobra premiums rate for the 2020-2021 school year at $766.02 for single plan, $1,359.66 for employee and spouse, $1,254. 60 for employee and children and $1,750.32 for family plan.

The West Gym floor work was discussed. The floor will be sanded all the way down to the bare wood. All the court markings will be painted and staining the lane portion with a big power eagle in the center and Hugoton Eagles in the base lines. The floors were sanded down back in 2005. The board voted to approve the bid from Von Lintel refinishing and Flooring company for a total of $19,095.

The board discussed the Activity Bus interior work. The board approved the bid from Sardo Bus and Coach Upholstery for $24,467.19 to redo the interior of the activity buses.

Superintendent adrian Howie gave his report. He told the board that Drivers Ed is pushed to July. Summer school has been discussed. The grant for summer school will run out the end of June. No date for summer school has been set.

CJ Korf informed the board KSHSAA has stated that nothing can start before June 1 on athletics. The school can start June 1 with activities up to three hours a day per student. The second week is up to five hours. During the first and second weeks the students can’t do any organized competition. By the third week the students should have unlimited restrictions. Deadlines for coaches to work with the athletes has been extended. Usually the deadline is July 15. It has been extended to the end of July for basketball coaches. Football and volleyball practices have been extended all the way up to first day of practice.