The ninty – second Kansas FFA Convention is happening this week. Because of precautions the convention is virtual. Special announcements will be shared via social media platforms to recognize and involve Kansas FFA members. Platforms include Facebook live, YouTube and Twitter.

The State Convention opening session started at 7:00 p.m. Wednesday with the new chapters chartering and retiring address by J.W, Wells, State Reporter.

The State Proficiency award winners were recognized for Agricultural Education through Dairy Production Placements. From Hugoton finalists were, Karina Rodriguez and Molly McClure. The retiring address was given by Elizabeth Wright, State Secretary. The National Chapter Awards – Building Communities followed and then the closing ceremony.

The State Convention delegate process official dress starts at 10:00 a.m. with committee meetings. Keynote address will be by Kilesen McCoy, National FFA President from Ohio starting at 11:00 a.m. The delegate business session will be from 2:00 to 5:00 p.m.

The second session will start at 7:00 p.m. with the opening ceremony, and retiring address by Mason Prester, State Sentinel. National Chapter Awards – Strengthening Agriculture will be announced following the retiring address. State Proficiency award winners will be recognized. Hugoton finalists for Diversified Agriculture Production through Nursery Operations are Jacob Bell, Charlie Wettstein, Emma McClure, Megan Newlon and Grace Dillinger. The retiring address will be by Abby Goins, State Vice President followed by the Keynote speaker Dr. Rick Rigsby and the closing ceremony.

Friday, the opening ceremony will start at 10:00 a.m. with Keynote speaker Walter Kinzie, Encore Live. The National Chapter Awards – Growing Leaders winners will be announced followed by the State of the State remarks by Kurt Dillon, State FFA Advisor. The State Degree ceremony will follow. Hugoton finalists are Kaleb, Grubbs, Laramie Brecheisen, Conner Wells, Luis Ramos and Jacob Bell. At 11:30 a.m. Keynote address will be by Tess Seibel, National FFA Easter Regional Vice President from Virginia.

Closing session will start at 7:00 p.m. with the opening ceremony. State Proficiency Award winners – Outdoor Recreation through Wildlife Production and Management will be announced. Finalists for this award from Hugoton are Jacob Bell and Kynna Crawford. The retiring address will be given by Lukas Sebesta, State Treasurer. The announcement of the Triple Crown Awards and Garlow Memorial Trophy Recipient will follow. Retiring address will be given by Logan Elliott, State President. Start Over Kansas Pageant is next with Hugoton finalists Luis Ramos and Jacob Bell.

Recognition of the 2019-2020 State FFA Officers and the announcement of the 2020-2021 State FFA Officers with greetings from the new State President will be next with closing ceremony to follow.